Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Everyone Has A Story

Photo by Kevin Erdvig on Unsplash

We live in a world where we have hidden our true, authentic, selves. Social Media has turned us into fake shells of human existence. We are even afraid to show our real self to those who are closest to us in fear of judgement, or criticism.

There is one thing that can be said of all of us. We ALL have a story! We have all experienced some trauma, or hard times in our lives. No one escapes difficulties in this life, but some handle these tough circumstances in ways that others can't understand. What is good for one person, is not always good for another. and yet, despite the fact we have all been there, we don't seem to extend mercy, grace or compassion to our fellow man. Instead, we judge, put down and condemn those who handle things differently. This has caused us to retreat into a shell of life and won't reach out for help when we need it.

If we could all come to a place where we realize everyone has a story and needs compassion and understanding. What an amazing world we would live in. But we have been taught that it's all about us ~ that we need to take care of ourselves first. This thinking has caused a lot of us to retreat to a life of misery and depression. We don't feel seen or heard.

Hurt people will hurt people. When someone is angry, frustrated and offensive, that should be our first clue to ask, "What's hurting you?" Instead, we get offended by their actions towards us and get defensive...only making the situation worse for both parties. People need to be heard, to feel they matter, their life matters and their pain matters to someone ~ anyone!

Let's be the person who says, "How can I help?" Let's bring love and compassion for our fellow man back! Let's step back and listen, give a smile or a hug to someone. Let's put our 'selves' aside for a minute to make someone else feel seen and heard. Let's remember that EVERYONE has a story and a reason behind their behaviors. Let's be a safe Place for those around us to be able to be their true authentic selves.

Julie B.


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