Wednesday, May 4, 2022



Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

I'm getting sober

I'm getting older

Said goodbye to drugs

Now I'm finally getting closure

Been through the storm

I've been reborn

Put the pieces back together 

When my life was torn

Met a girl named cocaine

I got hooked 

Had no brain

Thought that I had known pain

That bitch drove me insane

Let's just keep it real

We all know that crack kills

To say her name gives me the chills

Left no money for my Bill's

I'm ready to tell you to fuck off

Forget the hard forget the soft

And alcohol fuck you too

You never did cure my blues

I'm finally sober

Drug days are over

I want you to hear me 

so I'll say it even slower

I'm finally sober

My drug days are over

And my heart goes out 

To anyone that's known ever her

Numb the pain but fix things not

Will to change can help alot

No I wont even smoke pot

Must bring my brain back from the rot

My past taught me lessons 

for this I'm grateful

Wont hold onto resentments

I'm no longer hateful

Thank you to my higher power

I call her god

I'd be lost without her

Just remember your not alone 

Find a meeting to call your home 

One day at a time

It really works not just a rhyme

By: Torre Blakney

The Unseen Road


Photo by Paul Gilmore on Unsplash

Recently, my wife and myself, got a vacation cabin up in the Great Smoky Mountains for our parents, just outside of Pigeon Forge and rented a beach house for ourselves. The last year has been filled with ups and downs, and some time off to rest and have fun ~ which was so needed.

Just some quick background: I am a recovering alcoholic and had been sober for right at 18 months. My wife and I had been divorced and re-married, and life was truly better than it had ever been. But we were talking about making some very big life changing decisions. We are planning to sell the business that my wife helps the parents with, and move to Alabama. It's a big step with a lot of unforseen challenges ~ and THIS leads me back to something that happened on our vacation...

To help our parents out, we went with them to Pigeon Forge on our way to Florida, just to get them settled in. The cabin was way back off a main road and up a mountain.. As we drove around sharp curves and up hill slopes, I came to a point in  the road at the top of the mountain, where the road would go down the other side. The problem was, I could not see the road because of the steep slope on the other side. Knowing that it should be there, I slowly drove forward, starting down the other side adn then the road came into view.

This got me thinking about when I was still drinking and even soon after rehab, I would fear where life was leading me. Like that mountain peak, I had no idea what was on the other side. Would I just drop off and fall to my death? Fear would keep me from seeing beautiful views and enjoying life like I was seeing at that moment. I now have a Higher Power that I turn my will and life over to each day. But would I trust Hm with my tomorrow?

You see, I may not be able to see the road that will lead us on our move to Alabama, or any other challenge to come my way, but have to trust that my God has it worked out, and as the road comes into view, I will see the curves ahead and make changes as needed.

As you take the steps you need in recovery, your fears will become smaller. You will see things more clearly. But you also need to remember, never to stop taking steps. Keep trusting the process and turning it over to God.

Sherman Brewer

April 2, 2002

Stomping Out the Stigma ~ One Mile At a Time


Stomping Out the Stigma ~ One Mile At a Time

Do you recognize this guy? If you've been around Mandala any time at all, most likely you do! But for those who don't know, this is Tim Roberto and once you meet him, you will not soon forget him. Tim is a charasmatic, personable and soulful guy with a huge heart. Once you begin a conversation with him you are guarenteed to walk away with a bit more than you arrived with. Tim embarked on an incredible journey that was born out of a moment with God in a private walk that led to months of training and all culminating in a 20 mile walk from Boynton Beach, FL to Deerfield Beach, FL, to raise awareness in 'Stomping Out the Stigma' that comes with both addiction and mental illness and raising proceeds for a wonderful organization: 1 Brother 1 Sister, (which provides training and resources to First Responders in the areas of addiction and mental health).  I am priveleged to work with Tim and to have been given the opportunity to sit down with him and get the story of how this call came to be...
(Question:So Tim, what happend that led you to accomplish this goal and to raise money and awareness for Addiction and Mental Health?

(Tim)  It began one day while I was on a walk with me and God. I was coming up on my 15th Anniversary from active addiction. I wanted to do something that would matter and comemorate this and God told me, "Take it back to where you got sober", and for me, that was in Deerfield. 

(Question:Wow ~ 15 years in recovery is awesome! What led you to make that decision?

(Tim)  I had been in active addiction for 33 years prior to that. I'd say my pain finally outgrew the fear in my life. Thank God for the pain!

(Question:After you had this experience with God, did you begin planning this event
right away after that?

(Tim)  No. I learned long ago to not just jump when ideas come, but to wait and give it time ~ so that is what I did. I had been jogging some time later and and saw how many miles I had run and about then another thought came to me, (I know from God), that said, "Tim, I love you ~ you have time to bring awareness." and then the words "First Responders" came to me. But it still wasn't clear and I wasn't trying to hurry. 

(Question:So what happened that made it all come together for you?

(Tim) About a week later I was at the Beachcomer at a funraiser dinner for First Responders being hosted by Karyn Hurley, who is the Co-Founder of 'One Brother One Sister' and who lost her own brother, (a Firefighter and Veteran), due to addiction and suicide. I realized as I listened to her, that THIS is who I was to do this for ~ still gives me chills how God works. But I STILL didn't take action on it just yet. 

(Question:Did you go talk to her about your thoughts at that event?

(Tim) Actually, no. I was still waiting on direction. I didn't know Karyn and didn't feel it was time to approach her. About another week later I was in Port St. Lucie for the opening of a detox center and saw her again there. I felt this was the sign and so I approached her and explained everything that had happened leading up to this moment.

(Question:That is so crazy that she was there. So what happened? How did she respond to what you shared with her?

(Tim) She cried and so did I! There was another person at that event, a friend of mine named Deena, (who is a therapist), and without hesitation she said, "I'm doing the food! Me and my sister." I said, "I don't know how many people could end up coming." To which she just replied, "Doesn't matter ~ We are cooking!" 

(Question:What was it like putting this event all together?

(Tim) It all all really just came together very easily. I got several speakers that included a Trauma Therapist; Recovering First Responder, a Pastor and the Family member of a First Responder with addiction. They did a tremendous job!  We had over 50 people come to this first event and raised over $6000.00!

(Question:What was training like? Had you ever done anything like this before?

(Tim) I had never done anything like this before and training was pretty intense. I trained from January until April. About 2 weeks prior to the event it was suggested that I give my feet a break and stop training until event time. About a week prior I did that - however that didn't work out to well because my feet ended up pretty blistered. 

(Question:)  What were the people like who came and participated in the walk?

(Tim) They were all different people. Some were like me and this was all new to them. Some traveled to come do this walk and were really good at it.

(Question:)  Is this part of how you keep your own recovery strong?

(Tim) Part of the recipe for remaining in recovery rests in service to others for sure.

(Question:)  Do you plan on this being a one time event, or do you plan on making it annual?

(Tim) Oh, I FOR SURE plan on this happening again next year...however I'm thinking of something more like a 5K, so that more people will come join in this life changing cause!

If you would like to be a supporter of: One Brother One Sister, you can use this link: Addicted Communities Coalition

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